Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rediscovering the Past

For people who are busy, the world is a mere routine. Wake up, eat breakfast then go to work, go home then sleep. They have become numb to appreciate the beauty of the sun's warmth, or look outside every night to enjoy the moon's glow, they are blinded on the simple beauties of life as the flower on the side walk or the birds under the rain. For many of the people accomplishments, money, fame and power have become the center point of life: To control others, to extract compliments from strangers and to gain new superficial friends, they have lost the paths of searching what is the meaning of true happiness. In the modern world contentment has become more focus on materials than relationships with other people. Today the value of happiness comes with a tag price and every human relationship has a counter price.

But for those people who have encountered death, for those who have lost a loved one and have not said how much love was there to be spoken for them, some who have lost a friend or a friend to be, for those who have nothing, true happiness if more of how much people are around you to provide you more than the material support; but more on the care and understanding. The warm hugs of a mother, the wise counsel of a grandfather, the sweet newly baked rolls made by our grandmother, the laughs with a father. Have you remembered the old days? Where you simply run barefoot on the meadow, with the wind on your hair and the grass below your feet? Do you still remember when was the last time you fly a kite with a real friend? When was the last time you sleep with your mother with her hands on your cheeks and ask her to sing you a lullaby or tell you a story?

The essence of being a human being is more than the value we buy, as a matter of fact it is more than the price on the tag. It is the time we spent with the people around us, the time spent in building bridges, the time we spent helping strangers and gain new friends. Time is slow for those who do nothing, time is swift for those who are busy but to those who value life time is precious. Now for you what is the essence of being human?

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