Monday, March 17, 2008

The Introduction

We are all born wondering what is our purposes for being brought about, we experience pain and joy, sadness and happiness, madness and sanity. But for me the past 22 years of my life was a great experience, full of lessons. i meet many people, we became friends, some became enemies. I fell in love and fall out of love due to some maurons who prefer to play around than to get serious. I commited mistakes and learn from them and every lesson i learn, every memory i experience i write them in my journal, now i will compile these works and publish it and title it:"Thursdays with Maurons"
a collection of anecdotes that both praise and criticize life and teaches you how to be humble and how to black mail your enemies even without them knowing....
so enjoy....

1 comment:

Mr. Grandiers said...

Whoa! Binyagan ng unang comment cant wait to read the chapters in this your critically claimed! Thursday with Morons! hahaha