Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Vatican Versus The Stem Cell Biologists

The Vatican Versus The Stem Cell Biologists

Since the dawn of time, religion and science never go out very well with each other, new discoveries that are made by science are always rebuked and condemned by the church. In my own opinion, the church should let science grow in its own accord. Yes it is quiet true that technology in wrong hands is very dangerous but one must compromise that no matter how noble a scientific research maybe there will always be a negative side effect from it. Remember also that too much faith can cause ignorance too, if people will only stick to predestination and faith there will be no advancement in society and everyone will stagnate as gullible savages believing only in the "Will" of the church not in the "Will" of men. Remember that God gave the power of Free Will. The freedom to choose and live on his own way as long as it is for the "Good" of himself and for the "Benefit" of all. I am also a God fearing man but I am also a patron of DNA technology including stem cell research. I have a vision that this technology will cure most men having affected with diseases that is incurable by current medical treatment. This could be the path to a safe cure in treating oncological illnesses, like brain cancer. If the church considers Stem Cell Research as a sin would it be more of a sin to stop the opportunity of many men, women and children to live a longer life? I agree to Stem Cell Research as long as the purpose of the research is for the benefit of everyone, not only of man but also of animals, not only for the present but for the future generations as well.

Let us have an in depth look into what Stem Cell Research is. Stem cell research is a branch of (biomedical) science that deals with tissue culture and tissue engineering. Meaning tissues are harvested from a source then are cultured in a nutrient agar plates, or any nutrient broth, under the desired conditions. Later, the tissue is manipulated so that the cells "acts" like another tissue in the body. For example, epidermal tissues are harvested then cultured then manipulated to act and literally transform itself into another type of tissue like duodenum tissues or joint tissues. The benefits of this research are of broad spectrum. The technology can be used to "literally" make an organ so desired so that it will be compatible for any individual’s body that will undergo organ transplant. It can help agriculture to improve crops by making disease-resistant, pest-resistant, drought-resistant plants thus helping decrease world hunger. The technology can be use to develop stronger bio-therapeutic products to fight diseases. On the other hand, this can be used for creating humans with super human strength or creating ideal people with ideal characteristics. But these negative effects can be prevented as long as proper authorities are always on the close guard.

Why is the church condemning this technology? Is it because the people in this field of science are playing God? No, they are not playing God but rather they are utilizing what God has offered to be put in good practical use. It would be humanity’s greatest shame to loose such a great achievement of science. People in this field are smart professional, they are seeking knowledge not only for knowledge’s sake but how this knowledge can be applied for the benefits of mankind and for the whole world in general.

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