Monday, July 25, 2011


Not all treasure glitters like gold, and for a person like me who suffers periodic boredom and melancholy. I need to be busy most of the times. Okay I got myself into graduate school, though I am not the best in my class all I can say is I am the toughest, I still got knuckles that can break hard wood you know and K.O. any stupid MD student to fool around with me..and the tongue as long as Gene Simmons (see photo to prove that!)....

Aside from fooling around, I count me treasures. But unlike the loot and bounty that those pirates are looking for, my treasure is not of the "glimmering" kind, some looks pretty awesome..some looks fat..(and ugly when you see them in the first break of day light), while other just love to pick their noses with me in public (yeah I know, cool huh? Wait tell you see us placing that finger inside our mouths).

Like the pirates of Old, I travel to different lands to look for treasures, and indeed I have found a handful, and all of them are priceless. Some of the treasures I have captured with me, some are just kept hidden in my treasure box where only I can locate. People tend to become lonely, and the purpose of their lives become absurd. People become bored and they think that life has become a routine, people become bitter because they do not have anything to share to someone. That is why for me, I am lucky to have the brightest stars in this part of the continent. My treasures sparkle more than the brightest of the stars. They keep me sane in my times of greatest madness, and they make me insane in my times of uttered seriousness.

Yes, treasures can tantalize you. gold can tempt you, it can unleash the greatest greed in your life. And I should be honest, my treasures have transformed me into a greedy beast and hunger for memories that I can tell the future generation. They have transformed me to become thirsty for adventure about what lies beyond the boundaries of human capacity.

In this lonely planet, all of us are in a journey, we are in the progress of finding our nesting place. We are travelling to find our niche, to look for that place where we can say "home" and I know you are looking for that place too, that place that you can say you belong. But as for me, I may have not reached that paradise, and I may never reach it, but my treasures showed me that even though the course of my journey is not as what I expect it to be, they can assure me that when I turn me head back I left a trail leading to that treasure box to where I hide them.

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