Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Call Center Agent~Trolling on Kuya Gary~

It has been a long long long time since I troll on Kuya (Big Brother) Gary real time. Everything started when I ask him how is he going to spend his holy week, and he replied, the usual BPO industry: work, so I replied.."ok kuya gary make that Unholy Week for you"...

To be honest, I am so thankful I did not end up in the BPO, the endless nights of outsourcing, the tiring nights of receiving calls from stupid clients who does not even know how to turn on their mobile phones (can we even call that trouble shooting and technical support?)... all those tiring works and the poor (and mostly as what Kuya Gary termed:"YUMMY") Call center guys are there ready to help...so here is my hypothetical overview of a call center agent, as I told kuya Gary:
Call Center Guys:
1. Always wears a coat or a sweater when in the office.
2. Always in a Casual attire
3. Majority smokes during break time
4. Majority Loiter around the restaurant in the lobby at i1 or i2 after office hours
5. Majority goes to drink after working hours
6. Majority Logs to chats and gays sites (don't deny! you surf on PR, Manjam and chat on #bi-cebu and then add them up on your face book) during free time
7. majority Fucks around during day off....
8. Majority goes to Mango Avenue if their day off falls on a Saturday night

but for kuya Gary its different, during day off he will either do one of the two things:
1. Go meet cosplay friends...or
2.Pay the taxi driver to do extra service other than driving...

But all these trolling, all this sarcasm...all these bullying only filters down to one things..I miss the memories of going out on the hot star painted evening...as the call center agents pass us by, we (me, Kuya Gary, Jap, Mavs and Lady Gaga a.k.a Cedric) will lie on the grass and look on to the night sky. We pick on each other and joke around....I guess I lost my sarcasm....now that I am older...Although I never felt alone (because I have my <(")....... ) I still feel sad sometimes to walk in the evening on the bustling cars and recall the same night when I was still 20 years old in Cebu and goofing around...the laughing and the screaming and the talks if Cedie was really sucking someone other than Mavs... The talks about Jap and his smiles..of Gary and his belly....

I really do miss those days, when I was still in Cebu, but I come to realize that I must move forward, to where my heart belong...My eyes are in front of my head to walk on not walk back...I really don't know what lies ahead of me, but as long as I am loved and happy and keeping that happiness and love to power up my life, then "go"...everything will be alright...I am looking at the horizon and I don't know what tomorrow will offer me but I will keep moving on and walk the trail less traveled and make a mark there, one small step at a time.

I remember back when Kuya Gary's mouth (filled tokwas) talks about friendship then sucking a friend's tool (okay lets make it his pseudo-boy friend's tool),
It was during these years that I realize the lesson: "No matter how your friend wants you on his bed...friendship is still way more better than sex....."

~Thursdays with Maurons

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